Saturday, April 24, 2010

Random password generator in perl

Here is a oneliner for this

perl -le 'print map { ("a".."z")[rand 26] } 1..8'

Here the map function executes ("a".."z")[rand 26] code 8 times (because it iterates over the dummy range 1..8). In each iteration the code chooses a random letter from the alphabet. When map is done iterating, it returns the generated list of characters and print function prints it out by concatenating all the characters together.

If you also wish to include numbers in the password, add 0..9 to the list of characters to choose from and change 26 to 36 as there are 36 different characters to choose from:

perl -le 'print map { ("a".."z", 0..9)[rand 36] } 1..8'

If you need a longer password, change 1..8 to 1..20 to generate a 20 character long password


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