Saturday, September 02, 2017


To run script C-c C-x
C-f Move forward a character
C-b Move backward a character

M-f Move forward a word
M-b Move backward a word

C-n Move to next line
C-p Move to previous line

C-a Move to beginning of line
C-e Move to end of line

M-a Move back to beginning of sentence
M-e Move forward to end of sentence

M-< Go to beginning of file
M-> Go to end of file

QUIT -> C-x C-c
SEARCH -> M-x regex. C-s (C-r for reverse)( Type C-s and then word. Now type C-s agin to step through it)
UNDO -> C-x u
NEW / OPEN FILE -> C-x C-f test.emacs RET
SAVE FILE -> C-x C-s  C-x C-w C-x s

SHOW Line and column number -> M-x line-number-mode   M-x column-number-mode

Paste: C-y
Paste the paste M-y

C-x 1, C-x 2

emacs —debug-init
M-x goto-char 
 M-x list-packages to list all package in emacs

To get documentation on your current major mode, type C-h m.

Mark a Region

C-Space C-Space
Now use arrow key to block the region and then use command to act on block.
Eg Use C-x TAB to indent

Mail in Emacs

C-x m
Begin composing mail (compose-mail).
C-x 4 m
Likewise, in another window (compose-mail-other-window).
C-x 5 m
Likewise, but in a new frame (compose-mail-other-frame).
C-c C-s
In the mail buffer, send the message (message-send).
C-c C-c
In the mail buffer, send the message and bury the buffer (message-send-and-exit).

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